It Started with Discontent
Working a very lucrative job as an Operations Manager in a non-profit, I was working 40-50 hours a week and often taking work home with me. I was always glued to my phone, answering emails, sending texts; it was hard to disconnect. Of course, in high paying “careers,” you were expected to be “on all the time, keep the ball moving forward, produce, produce, produce…” but why? Pleasing the Boss or keeping him happy was never enough, and what was the cost?
On the outside I was all, “Yes, Sir! You can count on me!” But on the inside, the fear of making a mistake, the emptiness from continually pouring out and profound sadness that it wasn’t enough had crept in, and I began experiencing the warning signs of negative stress:
Exhausted all the time, frequent illness, increasing irritability at home, and work. I would have sudden tears over feelings of regret and guilt while thinking about my life. The annual question: “What are your goals for the New Year?” was met with a blank stare. I could see nothing to be excited or hopeful about in my future; everything around me seemed to be going wrong.
Finally, after a few emotional episodes during our daily commute to work, my husband had had enough. “I think you need to quit your job and figure out what you are supposed to be doing because this job is killing you!” It still took me four months to let it all go, as the old fears began to creep back in, “What would people think of me? How could I let my co-workers down? How would we manage financially? What would I do instead?” But the day came where the call to “Dream” again, to live what I was passionate about and making an impact on the world, won over. I put my resignation in and haven’t looked back!
I Found My Why
After resigning, I spent time reflecting and asking the “Why” questions, “Who am I? Why am I here, and what am I supposed to do?” I prayed, read over old personality tests, my journals, and books that had inspired me in the past. I asked friends and family questions about what they saw in me (both the good and the bad). Armed with this information, I started dreaming: What filled my heart with passion? What problem did I see in the world that needed solving? How could I solve it? It was difficult because I had to dig deep inside. I prayed and cried for four months! I didn’t have anyone to walk me through the process, and it was slow going because I was on my own!
Everyone Has a Why; They Simply Need Help Finding it
After four months of praying, crying, searching, and researching, I felt a gentle nudge towards Coaching. It was one of the things I had considered in the past because I had spent 25 years mentoring others, and I LOVED it, but fear of failure kept me from pursuing it. Now life seemed to be coming full circle (could I find my “Why” through something I LOVED)? I decided to test it out. I asked my friends and family members if I could interview them, asking the same questions I had asked myself. As I was talking with them, I saw a common theme emerge. Contrary to their Facebook or Instagram images, they too were struggling with issues of confusion, lack of direction, depression, or disappointment with where life had taken them.
I spent a few weeks with several of them walking them through the process I had done myself; learning their strengths, discovering their passions, and devising plans to reach their goals. I watched their countenances change, and their eyes light up as they saw for the first time who they were and what they were capable of. What was going on? It seems that the curve balls that life was throwing at them were not meant to destroy but give guidance and all they needed was someone to walk alongside them so they could figure things out.
Then something amazing happened to me. As I helped others, a clarity of purpose and calling started to form in me. I realized I had a passion AND a talent to help people find their “Why,” and my mission statement was born:
“The Encourager Life Coaching exists to encourage, inspire, and equip others to reach their full potential.”
You Are Not Alone!
You are not alone in your struggle to find meaning or purpose in life! Just ask the people around you what their strengths are or what their purpose is. Few will be able to list their strengths, and most haven’t any idea of what their purpose or calling is. Know this: you can live a life of meaning! You don’t have to live your life in fear, confusion, or regret. You can look to the future with expectation and hope!
I will walk alongside you, help you discover your strengths, explore your passions, and look at all the possibilities that are in front of you. Armed with this information, we will devise a plan that will launch you onto the path that fulfills your calling. Let’s Talk!
What Others Are Saying:
Working with her has impacted my marriage, my relationships, my service to the Lord. I am now on my way to fulfilling what the Lord sets in front of me. I can honestly say that I owe it all to the Lord using Dale's strengths to encourage, inspire and equip me!"